5 Games Like Skribbl.io To Play With Friends
5 Games Like Skribbl.io To Play With Friends

5 Games Like Skribbl.io To Play With Friends

Looking for new drawing games similar to Skribbl.io? You came to the right place! Jackbox Games has tons of hilarious and remarkably fun drawing games that can be played in-person or online on all major digital platforms, including Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and more!

Jackbox Games are easy to play with friends and family - just make sure everyone can see the TV or screen where the game was launched and then all of the players in your group use their phones as controllers to play. Plus, only one member of your group needs to own a title to launch the game! We have a helpful video tutorial and step-by-step instructions for how to connect all of your players to the game here.

Fans of Skribbl.io will love these fun drawing games:

#1 - The Drawful Series


Drawful challenges players to draw ridiculous prompts on their smartphones and tablets. Each player receives a weird and unique prompt that they must try to draw (without the aid of an eraser). After each “artist” presents their work, everyone else anonymously submits a title that could fit this bizarre drawing. Your goal is to somehow find the correct prompt while fooling other players into selecting your decoy answer. Bonus points are awarded to those who submitted decoys that are especially clever or dumb… it’s usually the dumb ones.

It’s the perfect game for parties and streams where you want to reach peak goofiness. Just remember to bring your best drawing finger.

Drawful is available in The Jackbox Party Pack.

#1A - Drawful 2

Building on the original hit, Drawful 2 takes parties to the next level by allowing players to make their own crazy prompts. Want to craft an episode around particular references or inside jokes with your friends? That’s easy to do with the custom episode capability.

Drawful 2 has twice as many prompts, includes bonus score-streaks for consecutive correct answers, and, thanks to modern technology, adds the ability to draw with not one, but TWO colors! There’s even a new option for players to tweet out GIFs of their favorite drawings, so everyone on Twitter can share the fun (and shame) of your last game.

Drawful 2 is available as its own standalone game for under $10!

#1B - Drawful Animate

As the third installment in the popular series, Drawful: Animate doubles the fun by having players create two-frame animations that play on a loop. Thought you could wildly misinterpret a single poorly drawn image? Wait till you see what hilarity ensues when there are two horrible drawings alternating back and forth! (Hey, we can’t all be great artists or storytellers.)

If one game mode wasn’t enough, we also added an entirely new way to play Drawful in Friend Mode. This version of the game also relies on animation, but all of the drawing prompts involve another player’s name. Can you accurately animate what Mark’s greatest fear is? Discover just how well you know your friends.

In order to make this the most colorful and lively version of Drawful yet, we’ve included three colors on the drawing canvas, the ability to adjust your animation speed, and drawing prompts that are somehow even weirder and more unpredictable.

You can also now boost your score by doubling down on a guess. Be careful, though, because if you guess incorrectly, you’re giving another player twice the points.

Drawful Animate is available in The Jackbox Party Pack 8.

#2 - Tee K.O.


Welcome to mysterious T-Shirt Island, where the most hardened warriors in the world join you to compete in an ancient and deadly fighting tournament. Only you won’t be fighting with fists. Instead, you engage each other in a battle of… t-shirts.

In Tee K.O., players are on the clock to create drawings and write as many slogans as possible. Then all the pictures and slogans are shuffled to other players at random. Whoever combines their drawings and slogans to create the best t-shirt wins, as designs are pitted against each other in head-to-head battles. The t-shirts with the highest votes in each round must survive the gauntlet to become the best. Tee… K.O. Get it?

Perhaps the most beloved part of Tee K.O. is the fact that you can make your sillystupid great creations a reality and purchase actual versions of your t-shirts. Just click the gallery button at the end of the game or view your past galleries at Jackbox.tv. Learn more about viewing past game galleries here.

Tee K.O. is available in The Jackbox Party Pack 3 and The Jackbox Party Starter.

#3 - Patently Stupid


Is your head just bursting with inventive ideas?! Well, show off your creative genius with Patently Stupid, the game that will turn you into a modern Tom Edison!

You’ll attend an exclusive, invitation-only seminar hosted by ex-spouses Toby and Lena that is only open to everyone, everywhere. Once inside, each attendee will create a unique problem that will be tasked to their fellow players to solve! Simply draw your inventive design, give it a title and tagline then get ready for the (fake) moolah to roll in!

Once you create an inspired invention, you get to present your idea using our amazing presentation tool! Who doesn’t love public speaking?! Okay, not everybody. But, if you’re too shy or you’re streaming the seminar, there’s a handy-dandy presentation tool that will do the work for you! Neato!

Patently Stupid is available in The Jackbox Party Pack 5.

#4 - Civic Doodle


In Civic Doodle, the good people of Doodle Valley have enlisted you and your fellow players to beautify the town with ridiculous murals.

To start, two players draw at once, adding whatever they choose to a simple starter drawing. Other players and audience members can react with an onscreen emoji in real time as the drawings emerge. Doodle Valley’s Mayor (who you may recognize if you’re a longtime YOU DON’T KNOW JACK fan) gives out bonus points for whatever emoji strikes his fancy at the end of the match.

When the time’s up, everyone votes on which drawing is the “best.” The winner’s drawing becomes the new “base drawing” that the next two players add to, in the same fashion as the first round. After everyone has drawn twice, you get to see your finished masterpiece displayed in a place of honor in the town!  (Again, this seems like a really ill-advised decision made by the local government.)

In the final round, the Mayor commissions you and your fellow players to paint a portrait for the town hall. (Is someone trying to punish this poor town??) This culminates in a drawing free-for-all where everyone competes at once. Name your portrait something truly inspired, then admire the final result. The player who made the most popular additions wins!

If you really love your masterpiece, you can OWN it for real! Click the gallery button on your device at the end of the game. From there, you can select your work of art and turn it into your very own postcard or t-shirt! You can even bring up galleries from past games by clicking the gear icon on Jackbox.tv. You can leave Doodle Valley, but Doodle Valley will never leave you.

Civic Doodle is available in The Jackbox Party Pack 4.

#5 - Bidiots


Going once… Going twice… SOLD to the player who might’ve just made a huge mistake! Bidiots takes the classic Jackbox Games drawing formula and elevates it to a high-class society affair. Put on your monocle as we explore this fine “art” auction game.

In Bidiots, players are given a prompt to create a “masterpiece” on their mobile device. Then the auction begins. Throughout the bidding process, you are given hidden tips on your phone about which works of art (based on the prompt) are worth the most or least amount of money. Players bid accordingly and win by earning the highest profit with their purchased pieces. The problem? Well… let’s just say that paintings can look VERY abstract.

If you spend your money too quickly, you can always call the team at Predatory Loans to get some emergency fast cash… but be careful. The word “predatory” is in their name after all.

Patently Stupid is available in The Jackbox Party Pack 2.

Other games among the Jackbox catalogue include aspects of drawing along with a variety of other fun concepts, like Trivia Murder Party 2 (Available in The Jackbox Party Pack 6 & The Jackbox Party Starter). You can get five unique and incredibly entertaining Jackbox Games for under $30 by purchasing a Party Pack! Learn more about how to play The Jackbox Party Pack 9 remotely HERE.