Breaking News: Fibbage Players Love Playing Fibbage!
Breaking News: Fibbage Players Love Playing Fibbage!

Breaking News: Fibbage Players Love Playing Fibbage!

One of the most exciting things about making games is the feedback when it's released. Hopefully you are hearing more raves than complaints. Once you get past the demands that the game be immediately translated into German and run on Windows Me, you get to the good stuff. And here are what reviewers are saying:
Microsoft's ID@Xbox event, which took place at its campus near Seattle, showcased approximately 30 indie titles of various sizes, and from among them, the most memorable was the elegant and simple title called Fibbage.
Like any lie-based board game it's a blast to play with friends, as Fibbage shows you what everyone's fib was at the end of a round, and the satisfaction you'll get from successfully passing off a lie is amazing.
Game Informer
Well yesterday I heard a co-worker talking about Fibbage being a new video game that was just released...and that it was a ton of fun. And then today...well, today I actually played Fibbage. And it was indeed a lot of fun.
Windows Phone Central
Jackbox Games has done a great job of creating a game that You Don't Know Jack players will love, yet has its own distinctive gameplay.