Find the Right Category of Jackbox Games Titles for Your Group
Find the Right Category of Jackbox Games Titles for Your Group

Find the Right Category of Jackbox Games Titles for Your Group

The holidays are almost here to help you and your loved ones make some weird memories. It may seem like we have a dizzying array of games, but choosing the right ones depend mainly on the unique personalities of your guests! 

The best part of a Jackbox Party Pack is that each individual game offers a different experience. Your favorite game in a pack may be different from someone else’s favorite, but all of our games are short enough for you to dip your toe into everything! 

We’ve broken out some of the categories our titles typically fall into below, so that you have a really easy time pinpointing what to play next with your group. And, hey, to give this informational blog some whimsy, we also suggest a snack to pair with each category. WE’RE WRITING THIS MINUTES BEFORE LUNCH. SORRY. (Insert stomach growl sound effect.) 

For the friends that have a penchant for performance, our presentation-style games might be your best bet. These games are great for people who love to keep conversation flowing during a remote or in-person get-together. 

For a presentation style game snack pairing, we recommend something that can be held with one hand, leaving your second hand free to gesture wildly as you try to convey your point. For this reason, we present to you: garlic bread. If you don’t knock ‘em out with your improvisation, your breath will definitely get the job done.

Presentation Games:

Drawing games are a refined category that help bring out your inner artist (although for games like Drawful, skill is definitely not required). Channel your inner Frida Kahlo with tamales this year! They come in their own corn husk wrapper so your drawing fingers stay clean. 

Drawing Games:

Our trivia and guessing games require you to draw from a broad range of knowledge. It’s often a real mixed bag. For games of this nature, why not try providing or encouraging guests to snack on some mixed nuts? Also, we’re pretty sure that walnuts are good for brain activity. 

Trivia/Guessing Games:

While that brain is fired up and ready to rock, have your group try out one of our social deduction or strategy-based games. If you’re trying to fool said group this year, why not trick them into thinking that you’re secretly the strangest person on the Zoom call? Sending your group aspic to snack on is a sure-fire way to come in bold and make a lasting impression. Go on, Google “aspic”. We’ll wait. Still hungry? Cool. 

Social Deduction/Strategy Games:

If you recently eloped and know nothing about your new family but would like to, we recommend a nice charcuterie board and some of our games that help players reveal more about their personalities. Watch your family closely during both the game AND the snacking. See what they select from your carefully crafted artisanal treats. Are they a pickle person? What category did they put you in during Role Models? Do they stick to the cheeses? What was their lie during Fibbage: Enough About You? Take notes. 

Getting-to-Know-You Games:

What’s in a casserole? What ISN’T in a casserole? There are so many different types. Casseroles are a lot like words. The individual letters contained can really change the intention. Or inflection. If you want to really confuse your friends, ship them all a casserole before you start one of these Jackbox word games during a Zoom call. 

Word Games:

We hope that this blog has only built up your appetite for hosting your next in-person or virtual Jackbox Games night! Don’t forget to check out our tips for remote play here. Happy partying!