Yes, it's true that Jackbox Games is based in Chicago, Illinois which happens to be nestled between Canada and Mexico. Yes, this makes us an American company. And yes, this might mean that a lot of times, we create trivia or make references to things that might not sound familiar to our friends in Australia, or France, or Bosnia and Herzegovina. We acknowledge that the United States is not the only nation on the planet, and to that end, we've made some changes for our non-American friends to help keep the content as fun and as fair as possible. Most of our recent games have a US-Centric Content filter. Check your settings to see if it's included in your game!
Here are all of the games that have an option to filter out US-centric content.
- The Jackbox Party Pack 10
- The Jackbox Party Pack 9
- The Jackbox Party Starter
- The Jackbox Party Pack 8
- The Jackbox Party Pack 7
- The Jackbox Party Pack 6
We will continue to add improvements to our games to make it easier on our non-American friends. And for those of you who don't speak English as a primary language, we have some options! You can find Drawful 2 and Quiplash 2: InterLASHional now localized in French, Italian, German, and Spanish (Castilian). Learn more about why your language isn't listed here. Some of our games such as Drawful 2, Quiplash 2, and Quiplash 3 also give you the option to create your own episodes in your native language. The following characters are allowed for unique game content:
The Jackbox controller supports the following characters from user inputs:
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We love feedback about how we can make improvements to our games for our international fans. If you have a comment you'd like to share with us, submit a ticket over to