Jackbox Games' Gift Guide for Every Type of Mom
Jackbox Games' Gift Guide for Every Type of Mom

Jackbox Games' Gift Guide for Every Type of Mom

Need a gift for Dear Ol' Mom? There's no perfect, one-size-fits-all gift for all moms. Moms are unique. Take a look at these personalized recommendations. 

A Gift For Your Mom Who Needs A Break

You mom does a lot. She’s the main bread-winner, she cooks and cleans for much of the family, and she manages the house and family finances. Get off your ass and get her a spa day gift card, already!! Jeez! 

While she’s relaxing, you and your family can get Party Pack 7 to play Devils and the Details to get a glimpse at how hard she works for you all without thanks or acknowledgement. Why are you still reading this article? Go take out the trash without her having to ask and make her dinner for once in your damn life!

A Gift For Your Mom Who Will Guilt Trip You

It does not matter that you came down to visit your parents twice this year or that your siblings get to spend the holidays with their spouse’s families, you are single so you will be coming to Christmas. You have a guilt-tripping mom who knows exactly what to say to make you feel terrible for wanting to make your own plans.

Stay strong in your boundaries by getting her an eReader to fill her time and Party Pack 10 for you to compromise and play with her over zoom for a bit on Christmas day. She will eventually learn to accept that you have left the nest and need to spread your wings!

A Gift For Your DIY Mom

You have the kind of mom who will craft or make anything, no matter her skill level. Missing some decoupage on a jar? She’s your gal! Need a shelf straightened? Moms on it! Want your entire kitchen renovated from top to bottom, building codes be damned? The sledgehammer is already in her hand! If the girlies on TikTok can do it, so can she!

This holiday season, get your mom a new drill and Party Pack 5 to let her explore her best ideas in Patently Stupid.

A Gift For Your Fitness Mom

She’s fit, she’s buff, she’s got biceps the size of baby heads, she’s your fitness mom! There’s nothing your mom loves more than her kids and tracking her gains, so get her a smartwatch to do just that! 

On her rest days, get her Party Pack 6 to play Role Models and let her know that you see her as more than just her muscles.

A Gift For Your CEO Mom

Your mother runs a Fortune 500 company. She will likely be working for Christmas as her favorite children are her money. 

Get her Party Pack 9 to play Nonsensory with her coworkers on the next company retreat and treat yourself to some therapy to work through your abandonment issues.

A Gift For Your Helicopter Mom

From the classes you chose in high-school to what you wore on your first job interview, your Helicopter Mom has never let you make a single choice on your own. 

Get her Party Pack 5 to let your resentments get the better of you and just absolutely tear her a new one in a rap battle in front of the whole family. Actually, maybe you should look into therapy, too.

A Gift For Your Mom Who Is Trying To Be Cool

Your mom’s worst fears have come true; she’s getting old. She’s doing her best to reverse the aging process by using Gen Z slang and desperately seeking your college-aged friends’ approval. 

Get her the latest games (Party Pack 10) so she can relate to the youths in FixyText as well as the latest iPhone so she can feel hip while she plays. We all have our own insecurities, after all!