Your Guide To The Most Terrifying Halloween Party in 2023
Are you a high schooler looking to have the most amazing Halloween party? Do your friends and family bully you for being too square and no fun at all? Do you want to throw a teenager’s oasis full of jocks, nerds, and no responsible adults in sight? Well, here’s a killer guide to throwing a killer Halloween Party this 2023!
It’s simple; find a scary costume, put on The Jackbox Party Pack 10, and assure there is a town serial killer with a grudge to crash the party and murder your guests one by one!
We at Jackbox know that the brand new Party Pack 10 is chock full of perfect games for Halloween, especially when played with all of your teenage friends and one middle aged psychopath. Read on to learn how to play each game while throwing the scariest Halloween party in town.
Hypnotorious is the perfect party game to play this Halloween. Everyone will be hypnotized into a character, with one person acting as a different character from the rest. No one knows who is the odd one out, including the outlier.
As a teen at a party, what’s scarier than being different from the group? What’s more terrifying than being an outlier, alone in your own angsty, hormonal abyss? Nothing is... nothing...
Well, nothing except for that serial killer that you’ve invited to your party, currently slashing your friend who got up to go check on that weird noise.
Another new game from Party Pack 10 comes in the form of FixyText, a text-based cooperative game where you and your friends all work together to create the perfect text in a group chat. Except everyone is typing at once and there’s no delete key.
You could accidentally type something embarrassing like “breast” when you meant to write “best.” This is a horrifying Halloween situation that is impossible for any teen to recover from socially.
But seeing as you’re a bunch of youths at a Halloween party, everyone should feel comfortable communicating via text message. Surely the 6’7”, 55-year-old man in the hockey mask will fit right in with your teen slang and perplexing text abbreviations. Unrelated, but who keeps writing “murder is on fleek” and where did Samantha go after she got that suspicious phone call?
Impress your friends with your know-how in Timejinx, a new trivia game in Jackbox Party Pack 10. Timejinx is different from other trivia games in the series as the trivia is focused on time periods. You play as a time traveler from the future who must answer questions correctly to save your own timeline.
Your young friends will be terrified learning about eras before their own. Discovering that their youth is temporary. Traveling through time in Timejinx to find out that the ravages of time comes for us all.
Ignore the fact that some partygoers are taking a break from their existential crisis to be suspicious of the tall, middle-aged hockey teen after he knew a ton of trivia from the ‘80s and also just killed Jeff in front of everyone.
Fan favorite Tee K.O. is back in Party Pack 10 with Tee K.O. 2! All of the partygoers will get the chance to battle it out on T-Shirt Island. And now they’ll get the option to change up fonts, swap out with tanks and hoodies, and perhaps even tweak old designs in later rounds.
Your party will be having so much fun in Tee K.O. 2 that everyone starts making out in a horny, teenaged way and the killer kills nothing except an amazing joke about Shrek.

Dodo Re Mi is Jackbox’s first ever music game. You get to play as a flock of birds who create beautiful music in order to escape a hungry jungle planet.
Unfortunately for your friends, they were not able to escape the serial killer and they’re all dead. But good news for the masked maniac, Dodo Re Mi supports 1-9 players so the killer can still play solo and make an amazing tune using only cat meows! <3
The Jackbox Party Pack 10 comes out on October 19th. Just in time for Halloween... if you dare!
Be sure to add it to your wishlist on Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox.