Introducing Brazilian Portuguese in The Jackbox Party Pack 10!
Introducing Brazilian Portuguese in The Jackbox Party Pack 10!

Introducing Brazilian Portuguese in The Jackbox Party Pack 10!

You asked and we listened. Our Brazilian fans have been requesting localization into Portuguese for our games for years. On November 16th, we’re happy to announce that this has become a reality in The Jackbox Party Pack 10. We first introduced localized versions of our games through Quiplash InterLASHional in 2020 and since then, we’ve continued to grow our support for non-English fans of our games. 

We’ve updated our recent releases to include a filter that removed U.S.-centric content such as trivia questions related to American football. Our other settings and features also apply to all of our translated games, including content filters and moderation to keep your livestreams safe. 

New to Jackbox Games?

The Jackbox Party Pack franchise has been going for ten years. Each Party Pack contains five unique party games that work like a digital board game. Your friends and family can play along in person or remotely via video conferencing services by using their phones as controllers. Each Party Pack comes at one price point and everyone else can play for free. 

This free update is available for Steam, Xbox, and Playstation today. Nintendo Switch will be receiving this update soon. 

You can find Jackbox games on most major platforms including Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Playstation, and more. Learn more about Jackbox Games by following us on social media.