Oh no! You’ve just woken up from a coma and don’t know anything about The Jackbox Party Pack 10!
Oh no! You’ve just woken up from a coma and don’t know anything about The Jackbox Party Pack 10!

Oh no! You’ve just woken up from a coma and don’t know anything about The Jackbox Party Pack 10!

Thank goodness, you’re awake! Remember me? The Jackbox Party Pack Blog? I know, I know. It’s all a little disorienting. You’ve been in a coma for a few years so you’ve missed a lot. Today is October 19th, 2023. Your kids are in college and your wife has left you but it’s okay, The Jackbox Party Pack 10 releases today!

What’s The Jackbox Party Pack 10? 

What? You don’t know what Party Pack 10 is? I’ve been whispering into your unconscious ear about it for months! I can’t believe nothing stuck. Well that’s okay, don’t worry. Mama Jackbox will take care of everything.

The Jackbox Party Pack 10 is the tenth Jackbox release. Yeah, it’s true! We’ve had ten years of Party Packs, can you believe it? That’s almost as long as you and your wife were together before... you know... *whispers* the coma.

What games are in Party Pack 10

Shhh! It’s okay! No need to cry! There are five incredible new games that just came out that you can play to take your mind off the fact that you slept through your kids’ most important milestones.

  • Tee K.O. 2

The first game in Party Pack 10 is Tee K.O. 2! This sequel is for 3-8 players and improves on fan-favorite Tee K.O. with better art tools, hoodies and tanks, and the ability to edit old drawings. Perhaps you can even order a few of the shirts you draw after we play considering your wife donated all of your clothes after she was forced to sell the house to cover your medical costs.

  • Timejinx

Timejinx is a new trivia game where you’re on a mission to go back in time to save the future. All of the trivia is about the past, which will hopefully make it less uncomfortable every time you ask how Hilary is doing with her presidential campaign. You can play with 1-8 players.

  • FixyText

Next up is FixyText! This is a typing game where you and your friends write a shared text where everyone is typing at the same time and no one has a delete key. It’s chaotic fun that you can play with 3-8 of your friends! Or in your case, 3-8 doctors and nurses.

  • Dodo Re Mi

Jackbox is releasing its first rhythm game with Dodo Re Mi! You play as birds who must perform a song to escape a hungry evil plant. You can play with 1-9 other players and find yourself creating music with an array of instruments, from a vibraphone, to hand claps, to a cat’s meow! Oh, good news! Your cat, Lisa, is still alive! Bad news, she lives with your ex-wife and her new family now. :(

  • Hypnotorious

Finally we have Hypnotorious! This is a party game where 4-8 players are hypnotized! Everyone is asked a series of questions where they have to answer as their hypnotized characters. One person is the outlier, but not even the outlier knows who! This seems like a great game for you. Try on some new identities. Get a feel of what it’ll be like to start your new life without the wife and children you loved so much.

Where can I play The Jackbox Party Pack 10?

I know today has been a big day and you’ve been so strong. I’m sure you still have a lot of questions but let me answer the most important one: Party Pack 10 is available to download on digital game stores like Steam, Epic, Xbox, Playstation, and the Nintendo eShop. You can also purchase Steam codes directly from the official Jackbox Games shop, or digital codes on Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV.

I know things can feel a bit dire, post-coma, but I want to remind you that you have your whole life ahead of you! After today, you’ll always have The Jackbox Party Pack 10 to play at your birthday parties (you’re in your 40s now btw), with coworkers at a new job (your role has been replaced with AI... don’t ask) or even at your second wedding (you’ll meet someone new, I’m sure of it!). Life is hard but The Jackbox Party Pack 10 is out today, October 19th, and we’re always here for you. At least until you fall into your next coma. <3