The Jackbox Party Pack 8 is Now Available for Apple TV, iPad, and Amazon Fire TV
The Jackbox Party Pack 8 is Now Available for Apple TV, iPad, and Amazon Fire TV

The Jackbox Party Pack 8 is Now Available for Apple TV, iPad, and Amazon Fire TV

In October, we launched The Jackbox Party Pack 8 on major console platforms including Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation. Today, we’re excited to share that we’ve expanded the lineup of available platforms to bring our new pack to even more screens! 

You might’ve known that you could play our games on your laptop or console, but did you know that you can have them as an app to easily access and play on your Apple TV or through Amazon Fire TV? With just a few swipes and clicks of that remote, you can turn your living room into a party oasis. Plus, the Apple TV or Firestick are highly portable and a great alternative to bringing yet another veggie tray to your Thanksgiving and December holiday parties!

The Jackbox Party Pack 8 can be purchased for $29.99! $29.99?! That’s the cost of a coffee date with a friend. Maybe even cheaper if you’re getting the MegaHuge Caramel Cotton Candy Coffee Swirl Shake! Why not have several party dates with several friends and get a party pack instead?

The Jackbox Party Pack 8 features five incredible new party games:

  • Job Job: A twisted interview game where you use other players’ answers to score the job. Who knew getting a job could be fun AND chaotic? (3-10 players)
  • The Poll Mine: Jackbox’s very first head-to-head team game! Trapped in a magical mine with no way out, try to correctly rank your group’s poll opinions and escape. (2-10 players)
  • Drawful: Animate: This exciting new spin on the classic Drawful introduces animated gifs that you can create. Watch out for those tricky decoys! (3-10 players)
  • The Wheel of Enormous Proportions: The ultimate game of trivia and chance. Doesn’t everyone love a game with a giant, shiny, spinning wheel? (2-8 players)
  • Weapons Drawn: The game where trust is nonexistent. Can you hide your murders while solving others? Get ready to point those fingers because everyone but you did it! (4-8 players)


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