The Jackbox Party Starter is Now Available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PlayStation!
The Jackbox Party Starter is Now Available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PlayStation!

The Jackbox Party Starter is Now Available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PlayStation!

Today we are pleased to announce that The Jackbox Party Starter is available for purchase for only $19.99 USD! For pricing in other currencies, visit the store page directly. You can find Steam codes on our website and Steam, or for other platforms on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox.

This new bundle contains three fan favorite games including Quiplash 3, Tee K.O., and Trivia Murder Party 2. We’ve put a lot of work into the rerelease of these games, including settings and features that fans have been asking for. 

We’ve fully localized each game in French, Italian, German, Latin American Spanish, and Castilian Spanish with some new prompts for our international audiences. We’ve also included settings such as content filtration, moderation, closed captioning.  We’ve updated a six-year-old game with auto-submit in case you’re down to the wire with getting your answer or drawing in! 

The Jackbox Party Starter is a great gift for anyone looking to host a party, or for someone new to the franchise.Buy The Jackbox Party Starter in our shop or on Steam today for an additional 10% off through the week.