The Perfect Jackbox Party Game for your Zodiac Sign
The Perfect Jackbox Party Game for your Zodiac Sign

The Perfect Jackbox Party Game for your Zodiac Sign

Unless you’re a Leo, it can be fairly difficult to make decisions. The charts say you will face many challenges this week and selecting the perfect game for an upcoming get together shouldn’t be one of them. As a Capricorn, I feel the need to share my wisdom. After consulting several online horoscopes, I have found the best Jackbox Party Game for you! Based on your zodiac sign/the games that Marketing told me to push! Aries - Split the Room Aries are addicted to drama. Their favorite game is shouting Big, Little Lies spoilers in yoga class, but watching their friends Split the Room through kooky “what-ifs” is the next best thing. Taurus - Bomb Corp. If you need to deactivate a bomb, don’t call the a Taurus. They are patient and love to work under pressure. They are also great lovers, so they know how to delay a premature explosion. Gemini - Zeeple Dome Zeeple Dome has the bright colors, upbeat music and constant violence that impatient Gemini’s demand. We made them third on the list because there is no way they’re reading the whole thing. Cancer - Tee K.O. A sentimental crab would love to have a souvenir from family game night. Tee K.O. allows them to actually make a T-Shirt they can buy...because the stars also say Cancer’s love T-Shirts. Leo - Trivia Murder Party If you know a Leo, they are plotting to kill you. Trivia Murder Party might sate their bloodlust and need to prove themselves least for one night. Virgo - Fibbage/Fibbage XL Human emotions are just puzzles for Virgos. Fibbage allows them to decipher truth from lies, a valuable skill for these robots trying to learn how to feel. Libra - You Don’t Know Jack: Full Stream You Don’t Know Jack: Full Stream can be played as a one-player game, so Libras may continue their lives of isolation. Scorpio - Drawful/Drawful 2 I played Drawful with a Scorpio and not only did they create three priceless works of arts, but they redecorated my living room and saved my marriage with their inspiring images. Sagittarius - Monster Seeking Monster If you’re a practical want know which of your friends are werewolves and which ones are witches. A Sagittarius wants to get this sorted through a round of Monster Seeking Monster before any other game is played. Capricorn - Quiplash Full disclosure; I am a Capricorn. Which is why I love Quiplash, because it rewards you for being the funniest, most attractive and overall best person in the room. Aquarius - Mad Verse City An Aquarius loves to share. Play the rapping game Mad Verse City and ensure everyone gets served. (The charts say you will find this pun delightful) Pisces - Patently Stupid Pisces are very superstitious so I’m sad to say all signs indicate that if you do not play Patently Stupid in the next 48 hours, you will doom your life and become unappealing to all potential friends/suitors.