
fa fa-regular fa-person-boothVotingfa fa-regular fa-user-group3 - 16 Playersfa fa-regular fa-clock-eleven-thirty15 Min

Bracketeering is the game of strong opinions about stupid things. Everything has stakes and everyone is allowed to weigh in and make a final ruling on the truly absurd.

Part of The Jackbox Party Pack 4

Trailers & Screenshots

About the Game

In Bracketeering, players submit answers to bizarre questions and categories like “Best thing to hold in your online dating profile picture” or “Coolest person to clone an army of.” Those answers then duke it out in a tournament-style instant-elimination bracket, until the championship answer is crowned.

It’s not only about entering funny answers. It’s about discovering earth-shattering truths about what your friends and fellow players believe to be true. Predicting winners of future match-ups (and convincing others to agree with you) could be your path to victory, even if an answer you typed in doesn’t take the top prize.

But things really get cooking in the Blind Round, where players submit their entries before they know the true title of the bracket. The game might ask you for “any animal,” but you could regret choosing “baby hedgehog” when the category is revealed to be “Awesomest animal to guard your children.” Whether your answer fits perfectly or is hilariously mischosen, you can still win it all with savvy predictions and a convincing argument. Even if it means betting against yourself.

Release Date


Game Type


Player Count

3 - 16 Players


15 Minutes

Family Friendly Setting

Moderation Settings

Audience Capacity



American English (EN-US)