Survive the Internet

fa fa-regular fa-pencilWritingfa fa-regular fa-user-group3 - 8 Playersfa fa-regular fa-clock-eleven-thirty20 Min

You’re familiar with the “Internet” right? Imagine a game that takes place within the Jackbox Games version of the Internet. It’s equally terrifying and rewarding.

Part of The Jackbox Party Pack 4

Trailers & Screenshots

About the Game

During each round, players get a different prompt on their device that asks a simple, opinion-based question like, “How do you feel about Fidget Cubes?” Let’s say you’re wildly addicted to them, so you respond with, “I’m addicted to them!”

That response is then randomly sent to another player. Their objective is to take your quote out of context in the funniest way they can. So your opponent might add a hashtag to make it seem like you’re addicted to #HomeworkAssignments, #Swirlies, #UndercookedFrenchFries, or some other thing that makes you look like a total putz!

Then, everyone votes on who comes out looking the most ridiculous. You earn bonus points for being the person who made them look that way! And our putz friends earn some pity points for sacrificing their reputation. The player with the most points at the end “survives.”

Survive the Internet is also the birthplace of Jackbox’s favorite non playable character, Gene! Play your cards wrong and Gene may just out-survive you. But hey, it’s good to let Gene win now and again. He needs this, guys.

Release Date


Game Type


Player Count

3 - 8 Players


20 Minutes

Family Friendly Setting

Moderation Settings

Audience Capacity



American English (EN-US)